Ημερομηνία: 17/1/2024, ώρα 17:00
Ομιλητής: Prof. Paul Corkum
Joint Attosecond Science Lab, University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada, CA
Τίτλος: A Plasma Perspective on Attosecond Science
Περίληψη : The 2023 Nobel Prize in physics was given for Experimental Attosecond Science, alerting the world to the fastest controlled event that humans can create. I will review the advance, without the experimental filter, emphasizing a broader plasma-like perspective.
The field began in 1964 when Keldysh published a description of atomic ionization in which light-atom interactions is described by tunnelling [1]. Keldysh’s was a revolutionary idea: a static field concept could be applied even where the field is certainly not static. Tunnelling was quickly accepted by the plasma physics community from which I entered strong field physics in 1989 with the two-step model of above-threshold-ionization (ATI) [2,3]. I will describe the 2-step model using first-year undergraduate physics.
I will then show how recollision adds a third step allowing attosecond pulses and how the interplay of the three steps allows an orbital to be imaged. I will also show how the classical-like electron trajectories can be used to measure the time delay in photo ionization, confirming that the three steps are interconnected and allowing attosecond time delay measurements to be performed in a strong light pulse.
1. L. Keldysh, “Ionization in the Field of a Strong Electromagnetic Wave”, JETP 47, (1964).
2. P. B. Corkum et al, "Above Threshold Ionization in the Long Wavelength Limit", PRL 62, 1259 (1989).
3. P. B. Corkum, "A Plasma Perspective on Strong Field Multiphoton Ionization", PRL 71, 1994 (1993).
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